A View From the Departments

November 2023: Grace Chen

The Gynecology and Obstetrics department is committed to the education of premedical student, medical students, residents, and fellows as well as continuing education of our faculty. In addition to being active in educational research, we have several innovative educational initiatives including a new ultrasound curriculum for our Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellows; a module on the impact of health systems on postpartum hemorrhage for our medical students as well as the use of peer educators (MS IV) to run small group discussion sessions on women’s health topics with our women’s health clerkship students; a comprehensive robotic simulation program for our residents and fellows; a vaginal surgical program including the fundamentals of vaginal surgery as well as vaginal hysterectomy training including the use of artificial intelligence methods and eye tracking software to enhance individualized coaching of our residents.

Chi Chiung Grace Chen, M.D., M.H.S.

Expertise: Fistulas, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pelvic Floor Disorders, Stress Incontinence, Urinary Incontinence

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

October 2023: Susan Lehmann

There is a saying that “What’s old is new again”. This quote is often understood to highlight the cyclical nature of life, as well as the importance of drawing lessons and wisdom from the past in order to better understand the present.

This fall, the Department of Psychiatry is reinstituting Department Grand Rounds that will be in person most of the time. T, he Department of Psychiatry has a storied tradition with its department Grand Rounds. Until the pandemic, they always occurred in Hurd Hall, which itself is steeped in institutional history. Even more noteworthy, department Grand Rounds always began with the presentation of a patient’s history, usually delivered by a resident, followed by a live interview of that patient by the department chair, or a senior faculty member if the chair was out of town. After the interview, a department faculty member would proceed with delivering his or her Grand Rounds talk, which always had a connection to the clinical case exemplified by the patient followed by a lively Q&A with those in attendance in the audience. During the recent Covid-19 pandemic, this format had to be changed to an all-virtual Grand Rounds talk and the live patient interview part of Grand Rounds was put in abeyance.

With the return of this traditional Grand Rounds format, including starting the Rounds with a patient presentation and live interview, there is the sense that “what’s old is new again”. Yet, what struck me when I attended department Grand Rounds last week, was not that something “old” had returned, but that something important and fresh and new had started. Department Grand Rounds are a singular opportunity that brings the entire department together as learners, from students to senior faculty. It is an hour that brings us together to learn from each other. More importantly, our collective gathering serves to strengthen our recognition that the clinical and research work that we do every day is in the service of helping real people, who are our patients. As it was in the past, this is a timeless and timely message for us as clinicians and educators in the present.

Susan W. Lehmann, M.D.

  • Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • Director, Psychiatry Clerkship
  • Clinical director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry Director, Geriatric Fellowship

Expertise: Adult Psychiatry, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Eldercare, Geriatric Medicine

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Main Entrance), Baltimore, MD