David J Schretlen, Ph.D., M.A.

  • Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences


Behavioral Medicine, Bipolar Disorder, Lesch-Nyhan Disease, Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention, Neuropsychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Psychologist, Psychology, Schizophrenia, Traumatic Brain Injury ...read more

Research Interests

Cognitive and functional consequences of neuropsychiatric disorders and brain injuries. Methods of inference in clinical neuropsychology and medicine. ...read more

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David J. Schretlen, Ph.D., ABPP is a Professor of Psychiatry and Radiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He completed a doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Arizona in 1986 following an internship at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He then completed post-doctoral training in neuropsychology and rehabilitation at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. While there, Dr. Schretlen was awarded a Mary E. Switzer fellowship by the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research. He serves on the editorial boards of several scientific journals, and has published over 300 articles, monographs, book chapters, and abstracts. His research interests include the elucidation of cognitive, neuroimaging, and metabolic biomarkers of psychoses, other neuropsychiatric disorders, and normal aging. Dr. Schretlen currently is doing research on the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to enhance cognitive functioning in schizophrenia, autism, and age-related memory decline. Finally, he is developing methods to increase the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of neurocognitive measures for persons of diverse background. In connection with this work, he founded and directs the International Neuropsychological Database Initiative (www.inndi.org).

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  • Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
  • Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • Clinical Neuropsychology; Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA (1988)

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Professional Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) (2001)

Research & Publications

Selected Publications

Representative publications 2005-2012

  1. Schretlen, D.J., Ward, J., Meyer, S.M., Yun, J., Puig, J.G., Nyhan, W.L., Jinnah, H.A. & Harris, J.C. Behavioral aspects of LeschNyhan syndrome and its variants. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2005; 47: 673677.
  2. Strasser, H.C., Lilyestrom, J., Ashby, E., Honeycutt, N.A., Schretlen, D.J., Pulver, A.E., Hopkins, R.O., DePaulo, J.R., Potash, J.B., Schweizer, B., Yates, K.O., Kurian, E., Barta, P.E., & Pearlson, G.D. Hippocampal and ventricular volumes in psychotic and nonpsychotic bipolar patients compared with schizophrenia patients and community control subjects: A pilot study. Biological Psychiatry. 2005; 57: 633639.
  3. Schretlen, D.J., Buffington, L.H., Meyer, S.M. & Pearlson, G.D. The use of wordreading to estimate premorbid ability in cognitive domains other than intelligence. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2005; 11: 784787.
  4. Kingery, L.R., Schretlen, D.J., Sateri, S., Langley, L.K., Marano, N.C. & Meyer, S.M. Interrater and testretest reliability of a fixed condition design fluency test. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2006; 20: 729740.
  5. Jinnah, H.A., Visser, J.E., Verdu, A., Larovere, L., CeballosPicot, I., Neychev, V., Torres, R., Dulac, O., Desguerre, Isabelle, Schretlen, D.J., Robey, K.L., Barabas, G., Bloem, B.R., Nyhan, W., de Kremer, R., Harris, J.C., Puig, J., Reich, S.G., & Eddey, G.E. Delineation of the motor disorder of LeschNyhan disease. Brain. 2006; 125: 12011217.
  6. Wong, D.F., Kuwabara, H., Schretlen, D.J., Bonson, K.R., Zhou, Y., Nandi, A., Braić, J.R., Kimes, A.S., Maris, M.A., Kumar, A., Contoreggi, C., Links, J., Ernst, M., Rousset, O., Zukin, S., Grace, A., Rhode, C., Jasinski, D.R., Gjedde, A. & London, E.D. Increased occupancy of dopamine receptors in human striatum during cueelicited cocaine craving. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006; 31(12): 27162727.
  7. Schretlen, D.J., Inscore, A.B., Jinnah, H.A., Rao, V., Gordon, B. & Pearlson, G.D. Serum uric acid and cognitive function in communitydwelling elderly adults. Neuropsychology. 2007; 21(1): 136140.
  8. Rao, V., Spiro, J.R., Schretlen, D.J., & Cascella, N.G. Apathy syndrome after traumatic brain injury compared with deficits in schizophrenia. Psychosomatics. 2007; 48: 217222.
  9. Schretlen, D.J., Cascella, N.G., Meyer, S.M., Kingery, L.R., Testa, S.M., Munro, C.A., Pulver, A.E., Rivkin, P., Rao, V.A., DiazAsper, D.M., Dickerson, F.B., Yolken, R.H. & Pearlson, G.D. Neuropsychological functioning in bipolar disorder vs. schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry. 2007; 62(2): 179186.
  10. Manning, K.J., Gordon, B., Pearlson, G.D. & Schretlen, D.J. The relationship of recency discrimination to explicit memory and executive functioning. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2007; 13(4): 710715.
  11. Schretlen, D.J., Inscore, A.B., Vannorsdall, T.D., Kraut, M., Pearlson, G.D., Gordon, B. & Jinnah, H.A. Serum uric acid and brain ischemia in normal elderly adults. Neurology. 2007; 69: 14181423. 
  12. Wong, D.F., Braić, J.R., Singer, H.S., Schretlen, D.J., Kuwabara, H., Zhou, Y., Nandi, A., Maris, M.A., Alexander, M., Ye, W., Rousset, O., Kumar, A., Szabo, Z., Gjedde, A. & Gracy, A.A. Mechanisms of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in Tourette syndrome: Clues from an in vivo neurochemistry study with PET. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008; 33(6): 12391251.
  13. Schretlen, D.J., Testa, S.M., Winicki, J.M., Pearlson, G.D. & Gordon, B. The frequency and bases of abnormal performance by healthy adults on neuropsychological testing. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2008; 14(3): 436445.
  14. Xu, L., Backus, K.M., Pearlson, G.D., Schretlen, D.J. & Calhoun, V.D. Source-based morphometry: The use of independent component analysis to identify gray matter differences with application to schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping. 2008; 30(3): 711-724.
  15. Rao, V., Spiro, J., Vaishnavi, S., Rastogi, P., Mielke, M., Noll, K., Cornwell, E. Schretlen, D.J., & Makley, M. Prevalence and types of sleep disturbances acutely after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 2008; 22(5): 381-386.
  16. Meda, S.A., Giuliani, N.R., Calhoun, V.D., Kanchana, J., Schretlen, D.J., Pulver, A., Cascella, N., Keshavan, M., Kates, W., Buchanan, R., Sharma, T. & Pearlson, G.D. A large scale (N=400) investigation of gray matter differences in schizophrenia using optimized voxel-based morphometry. Biological Psychiatry. 2008; 101(1-3): 95105.
  17. Cascella, N.G., Testa, S.M., Meyer, S.M., Rao, V.A., DiazAsper, C.M., Pearlson, G.D. & Schretlen, D.J. Neuropsychological impairment in deficit versus non-deficit schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2008; 42: 930937.
  18. Vannorsdall, T.D., Jinnah, H.A., Gordon, B. Kraut, M. & Schretlen, D.J. Cerebral ischemia mediates the effect of serum uric acid on cognitive function. Stroke. 2008; 39: 34183420.
  19. Rao, V., Rosenberg, P., Bertrand, M., Salehinia, S., Vaishnavi, S., Rastogi, P., Noll, K., Cornwell, E. Schretlen, D.J., Brandt, J., Makley, M. & Miles, Q.S. Aggression after traumatic brain injury: prevalence and correlates. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2009; 21(4): 420429.
  20. Schretlen, D.J., Winicki, J.M., Meyer, S.M., Testa, S.M., Pearlson, G.D. & Gordon, B. Development, psychometric properties, and validation of the Hopkins Adult Reading Test (HART). The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2009; 23(6): 926943.
  21. Cascella, N.G., Schretlen, D.J. & Sawa, A. Schizophrenia and epilepsy: A review of evidence for shared genetic susceptibility. Neuroscience Research. 2009; 63: 227235.
  22. Copersino, M.L., Fals-Stewart, W., Fitzmaurice, G., Schretlen, D.J., Sokoloff, J. & Weiss, R.D. Rapid cognitive screening of patients with substance use disorders. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2009; 17(5): 337344.
  23. Vannorsdall, T.D., Waldstein, S.R., Kraut, M., Pearlson, G.D. & Schretlen, D.J. White matter abnormalities and cognition in a community sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2009; 24(3): 209217. 
  24. Testa, S.M., Winicki, J.M., Pearlson, G.D., Gordon, B. & Schretlen, D.J. Accounting for estimated IQ in neuropsychological test performance with regression-based techniques. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2009; 15(6): 10121022.
  25. Parmenter, B.A., Testa, S.M., Schretlen, D.J., Weinstock-Guttman, B. & Benedict, H.R.B. The utility of regression-based norms in interpreting the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS). Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2010; 16(1): 616.
  26. Christman, A.L., Vannorsdall, T.D., Pearlson, G.D., Hill-Briggs, F & Schretlen, D.J. Cranial volume, mild cognitive deficits and functional limitations associated with diabetes in a community sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2010; 25(1): 4959.
  27. Ishizuka, K., Tajinda, K., Colantuoni, C., Morita, M., Winicki, J., Le, C., Lin, S., Schretlen, D.J., Sawa, A. & Cascella, N. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia correlate with impairment on the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. Neuroscience Research. 2010; 66(1): 106110.
  28. Bonekamp, D., Yassa, M.A., Munro, C.A., Geckle, R.J., Yousem, D.M., Barker, P.B., Schretlen, D.J., Brandt, J. & Horsk, A. Gray matter in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: voxel-based morphometry. NeuroReport. 2010; 21(4): 259263.
  29. Schretlen, D.J., Vannorsdall, T.D., Winicki, J.M., Mushtaq, Y., Hikida, T., Sawa, A., Yolken, R.H, Dickerson, F.B. & Cascella, N.G. Neuroanatomic and cognitive abnormalities related to Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2010; 118: 224231.
  30. Jinnah, H.A., Ceballs-Picot, I., Torres, R., Visser, J., Schretlen, D.J., Verdu, A., Lerovere, L., Chen, C., Cossu, A., Wu, C., Chang, S., Dodelson de Kremer, R., Nyhan, W., Harris, J.C. & Reich, S. Attenuated variants of Lesch-Nyhan disease. Brain. 2010; 133(3): 671689.
  31. Tajinda, K., Ishizuka, K., Colantuoni, C., Morita, M., Winicki, J., Le, C., Lin, S., Schretlen, D., Sawa, A. and Cascella, N.G. Neuronal biomarkers from patients with mental illnesses: a novel method through nasal biopsy combined with laser-captured microdissection. Molecular Psychiatry. 2010; 15: 231232.
  32. Schretlen, D.J., van der Hulst, E.J., Pearlson, G.D. & Gordon, B. A neuropsychological study of personality: Openness in relation to intelligence, fluency, and executive functioning. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2010; 32(10) 10681073.
  33. Rao, V., Bertrand, M., Rosenberg, P., Makley, M., Schretlen, D.J., Brandt, J. & Mielke, M.M. Predictors of new-onset depression following mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010; 22(1): 100104.
  34. Vannorsdall, T.D., Cascella, N.G., Rao, V., Pearlson, G.D., Gordon, B. & Schretlen, D.J. A morphometric analysis of neuroanatomic abnormalities in traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010; 22(2): 173181.
  35. Sadleir, R. J., Vannorsdall, T.D., Schretlen, D.J. & Gordon, B. Predicted current densities for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in a realistic head model. NeuroImage. 2010; 51(4): 13101318.
  36. Cascella, N.G., Fieldstone, S.C., Rao, V.A., Pearlson, G.D., Sawa, A. & Schretlen, D.J. Gray matter abnormalities in deficit schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2010; 120(1-3): 6370.
  37. Jinnah, H.A. & Schretlen, D.J. Reply: Attenuated variants of Lesch-Nyhan disease: the case of King James VI/I. Brain. 2010; 133(11): e154.
  38. Benedict, R.H.B., Morrow, S.A., Weinstock-Guttman, B. Cookfair, D. & Schretlen, D.J. Cognitive reserve moderates decline in information processing speed in multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2010; 16: 829835.
  39. Sampat, R., Fu, R., Larovere, L.E., Torres, R.J., Ceballow-Picot, I., Fischbach, M., de Kremer, R., Schretlen, D.J., Puig, J.G., & Jinnah, H.A. Mechanisms for phenotypic variation in Lesch-Nyhan disease and its variants. Human Genetics. 2010; 129: 7178.
  40. Liu, C.C., Shi, C.-Q., Franaszczuk, P.J., Crone, N.E., Schretlen, D., Ohara, S. & Lenz, F.A. Painful laser stimuli induce directed functional interactions within and between the human amygdale and hippocampus. Neuroscience. 2011; 178: 208217.
  41. Visser, J.E., Schretlen, D.J., Bloem, B.R. & Jinnah, H.A. Levodopa is not a useful treatment for Lesch-Nyhan disease. Movement Disorders. 2011; 26(4): 746749.
  42. Gansler, D.A., Vannorsdall, T.D., Jerram, M.W. & Schretlen, D.J. Comparing alternative metrics to assess performance on the Iowa Gambling Task. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2011; 33(9): 10401048.
  43. Liu, C.C., Crone, N.E., Franaszczuk, P.J., Cheng, D., Schretlen, D.J. & Lenz, F.A. Fear conditioning is associated with dynamic directed functional interactions between and within the human amygdala, hippocampus, and frontal lobe. Neuroscience. 2011; 189: 359369.
  44. Xu, L., Adali, T., Schretlen, D.J., Pearlson, G.D. & Calhoun, V.D. Structural angle and power images reveal interrelated gray and white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia. Neurology Research International. Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 735249, 18 pages; doi:10.1155/2012/735249
  45. Cascella, N.G., Fieldstone, S.C., Sawa, A., Gerner, G. & Schretlen, D.J. The insula-claustrum region and delusions in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2011; 133: 7781.
  46. Gansler, D.A., Jerram, M.W., Vannorsdall, T.D. & Schretlen, D.J. Does the Iowa Gambling Task measure executive function? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2011; 26(8): 706717.
  47. Vannorsdall, T.D., Maroof, D.A., Gordon, B. & Schretlen, D.J. Ideational fluency as a domain of human cognition. Neuropsychology. 2012; 26(3): 400405.
  48. Ojeda, N., Pea, J., Schretlen, D.J., Snchez, P., Aretouli, E., Elizagrate, E., Ezcurra, J. & Gutirrez, M. Hierarchical structure of cognitive processes in schizophrenia: The fundamental role of processing speed. Schizophrenia Research. 2012; 135: 7278.
  49. Sung, K., Gordon, B., Vannorsdall, T.D., Ledoux, K., Pickett, E.J., Pearlson, G.D. & Schretlen, D.J. Semantic clustering of category fluency in schizophrenia examined with singular value decomposition. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2012; 18(3): 565575.
  50. Gansler, D.A., Jerram, M.W., Vannorsdall, T.D. & Schretlen, D.J. Hierarchical organization of cortical morphology of decision-making when deconstructing Iowa Gambling Task performance in healthy adults. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2012; 18(3): 585594.
  51. Copersino, M.L., Schretlen, D.J., Fitzmaurice, G., Lukas, S.E., Faberman, J., Sokoloff, J., & Weiss, R.D. Effects of cognitive impairment on substance abuse treatment attendance: predictive validation of a brief cognitive screening measure. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2012; 38(3): 246250.
  52. Unschuld, P.G., Joel, S.E., Liu, X., Shanahan, M., Margolis, R.L., Biglan, K.M., Bassett, S.S., Schretlen, D.J., Redgrave, G.W., van Zijl, P.C.M., Pekar, J.J., & Ross, C.A. Reduced cortico-basal functional connectivity in prodromal Huntingtons Disease. Neuroscience Letters. 2012; 514: 204209.
  53. Munro, C.A., Winicki, J.M., Schretlen, D.J., Gower, E.W., Turano, K.A., Muoz, B., Keay, L., Bandeen-Roche, K., & West, S.K. Sex differences in cognition in healthy elderly individuals. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition (In press). 

Activities & Honors


  • Fellow, American Psychological Association, 2011
  • Nelson Butters Award, National Academy of Neuropsychology, 2011
  • Blue Ribbon Award, Division 40, American Psychological Association, 2007


  • American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • American Board of Professional Psychology
  • American Psychological Association
  • Association for Psychological Science
  • International Neuropsychological Society
  • National Academy of Neuropsychology

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