Research at the Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center

The Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center is host to a team of researchers expanding what we know about pediatric and congenital heart conditions and how to apply those findings to patient care.

Pediatric Heart Research: From the Lab to the Unit

Research scientist Cedric Manlhiot studies health data and better ways to collect and store information. This data helps doctors provide better treatment plans for their patients. Learn more about this groundbreaking heart research.

See more videos about our research

Learn More and Get Involved

We understand that it takes the involvement of many to further the development of treatments for children across the world. This involves working with students, as well as patients and families, to achieve these discoveries.
  • For Students

    Learn more about the opportunities to join one of our research labs and about life at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland.

  • For Patients and Families

    View resources designed to help patients and their families understand heart-related conditions and treatments, as well as information on clinical trial participation.

Our Researchers