Rotations Offered

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Pharmacy

The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience at The Johns Hopkins Hospital offers a variety of APPE rotations. Students will spend 4-6 weeks at a rotation site and work closely with their preceptor. Each rotation has unique responsibilities and projects that will offer students a dynamic experience. The preceptor and student will work closely to ensure the necessary skills are developed at each rotation site. Students are able to preference their desired rotation site; however, this is not a guarantee of placement.

Below is a list of direct and non-direct patient care rotation options available for students to preference. This is not an inclusive list of the rotations offered for students.

Direct Patient Care Rotations

Non-Direct Patient Care Rotations

Optimizing the Rotation Experience

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Pharmacy

The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience at The Johns Hopkins Hospital provides a students the autonomy to practice and gain skills pertinent to becoming a professional and personable pharmacist. Thus, students have a large role in defining their APPE success. Students can optimize their experience by actively engaging throughout their time at the hospital. Students should also be prepared to discuss their rotation goals with their preceptor to optimize their experience.

Tips and Tricks

  • Patients come first. Make them feel like you want to help them.
  • Pay attention and listen. Maintain eye contact, empathize, and focus on people’s needs. Have patience.
  • Communicate effectively. Give details either verbally, typed, or written.
  • Finish what you start. Do not leave unfinished work, hand off if necessary. Communication is key.
  • Reflect and send your goals ahead of time.
  • Establish expectations on day 1.
  • Staff roles: learn and understand them.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Seek other one-on-one teachers at the site (pharmacists, physicians, technicians, patients).