The Johns Hopkins National Proton Center

What Sets Us Apart

National Proton Center

Unparalleled Expertise: Since opening as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers in the nation, the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and its experts have led cancer research, deciphering the causes of cancer and advancing care for the most complex cancer cases. This level of expertise continues with our proton therapy center, which will be directed by the leading radiation oncology and medical physics experts in the world.

Largest and Most Advanced: Our 80,000 square foot facility is one of the largest and most advanced facilities in the world, with four treatment gantries and dedicated research and pediatric-specific space.

Imaging Couch and Respiratory Gating: It is the only proton center with CT imaging integrated with treatment to ensure the most accurate and precise treatment planning and delivery of proton therapy. Respiratory gating technology tracks the proton beam to movement of the tumor. Our experts helped invent and develop these technologies.

Pencil Beam and Other Advanced Technologies: It is one of just a few incorporating the latest pencil beam delivery that virtually paints tumors with cancer cell-killing radiation while sparing surrounding normal tissue.

Research CenterIt is the only academic proton therapy center in the region and one of just a few in the world where much-needed research studies will be performed to decipher basic biological mechanisms and help set the standard of care for proton therapy now and for the future.

Precision Medicine: Our experts take a unique multidisciplinary and precision medicine approach that brings together all specialists and experts to work with patients to develop individualized, detailed treatment plans specifically suited to each patient.

Local, National and International: The location of our proton therapy center at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., allows us to continue to bring the most advanced cancer care to patients living in the region, while also providing care to patients across the U.S. and around the world.

Access for All: Collaboration among the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Children’s National Hospital and Howard University ensures advanced cancer care to patients of all ages, including children and young adults and the most underserved communities in the region.